About MemoryMinders

MemoryMinders Wellness Services began from a friend's suggestion regarding her husband's memory wellness. Having cared for patients and family with memory issues, Jill's passion for memory wellness grew into founding MemoryMinders in 2010.

Since then, MemoryMinders has offered group programs, community and professional educational presentations, and individual memory wellness services. Documented and felt improvement in cognitive function and quality of life has been demonstrated by MemoryMinders' clients and families.

MemoryMinders services encourage purpose, independence, and individual strengths. We believe education, lifestyle changes, and community involvement are all crucial to enhancing and sustaining memory and quality of life. Based on this belief, proactive services are offered benefiting those interested in memory wellness and their families.

Jill Hoven

  Jill Hoven RN, founder and director of MemoryMinders, holds a B.S. in Nursing degree from Carroll University. As a nurse for over thirty years, Jill has cared for adults in various areas including cardiac & neuro-intensive care. Jill's experience caring for both patients and family with memory issues provides a unique perspective and passion behind MemoryMinders proactive services.

Jill enjoys educating the community and professionals, writing, and consulting on mind and memory wellness. Jill loves spending time with family and friends, reading, writing, and dark chocolate.

Interested in learning more? See our services pages or contact us for additional details to begin enhancing your memory wellness today!