Improve your memory by (insert the newest memory trick here)! Don’t believe the trick! There is no one way to improve your memory. Memory is a complicated, unique entity impacted by many things. It’s influenced by anatomy and physiology, history-yours and your family’s, lifestyle and so many other factors yet to be discovered. But don’t be scared-I have a treat for your memory!
The brain is being called the new frontier in terms everything being discovered and yet to be learned about this fascinating organ responsible for most of what we call ‘us’. I believe most of what we deem “ourselves” or our identity is truly what we find in our memory. Who are we if we cannot remember all that makes us, us?
Memory is something we take for granted until suddenly or gradually it begins to fail us. In speaking with older adults, they often believe the “trick” that as they grow older, memory is naturally something they will lose, like hair color. Don’t believe it! Yes, memory is something that can grow fainter with age, but it’s not necessarily because of the years of one’s life, but often the life in one’s years. Let me explain.
Various brain degenerative diseases steal memory. These diseases create symptoms of behavior often referred to as dementia. We don’t know all of the mechanics, sources or triggers behind these diseases or the symptomology which manifests as dementia. But, researchers are learning more and more every day. This research precipitates numerous new medicines, methods and suggested behaviors. But, no one thing will cure memory loss or a brain degenerative disease.
But here’s the treat. In all of this research, there are emerging patterns of what we can do day in, day out to maintain and strengthen our brain and memory. These are the founding principles of MemoryMinders. What I share, teach, recommend and advocate for all, including myself and my family, regarding brain wellness are simple principles. It’s about how we live each day. It’s about the life in our years.[tweetthis]#Memory #Wellness-it’s about the life in our years [/tweetthis]
Our choices determine so much of our life. So here’s my treat for you: over the next 5 weeks, I’ll share some of the best and latest trends, research and lifestyle choices we can all make to sustain and at times maximize our memory. All of what I share, I try to incorporate into my own life. I don’t always succeed as well as I’d like, but it’s a process, just like it will be for you.
Don’t believe the trick of an all-encompassing memory cure. As of now, there isn’t one. But please learn and apply some lifestyle choices and behaviors that can have a positive impact on your memory. It’s my treat to you!