Serving YOU Better

It’s always good at some point to assess where we’ve been, what we’re doing and where we’re headed. The MemoryMinders road has been such a blessing for me over the last seven years. I’ve learned so much and loved helping so many along the way. It’s my hope you have learned along with me!

The blog began so I could connect with all of you interested in learning and applying memory wellness techniques in your lives and in the lives of those you serve. We try to provide relevant memory wellness information of interest. But what I think may be interesting and relevant may not be the same for you and your life.

To better understand and serve you better, would you mind taking a brief 5 question survey relating to the blog and our programming? Your few moments of time providing some feedback will allow us to continue to serve you better! Click on the link below for the survey and if you have additional feedback you can always reply to this email, call or give me a shout on social media.

MemoryMinders Blog Survey

Thank you for allowing us access to your inbox each week. It’s a privilege we humbly appreciate. Together, let’s continue to make all our moments memorable!

Sharing is Caring

2 thoughts on “Serving YOU Better”

  1. Thank you Jill for your classes. I have learned so much. I never liked crossword puzzles but you encourage them as a memory help. I am doing them and beginning to enjoy them. Kathleen

  2. Even though I’m no longer in your class, I hope to see you when you are at Alexian Village. I can not attend you talks on Thursday afternoons as I’m in charge of another group at that time.

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