Important Input

The words echoed in my semi-conscious state, their rhythm a lullaby in the early dawn. Glancing at the clock, I was relieved I didn’t need to get up yet and rolled over while the lyric kept looping.

It’s from a favorite song and as the inspirational words rumbled in my mind, I wanted to remember them later. I then consciously kept repeating them over and over in my mind. As I drifted off again, the words serenaded me. Waking later, the words remained. They inspired me and I shared them with my family and their encouragement helped us all that busy day.

Isn’t it strange how a song can just pop into our heads at the oddest times? Or maybe it’s another trigger: a smell, a taste, a word or a phrase which evokes a strong memory? It’s really not odd at all, it’s how our brains work. Understanding this enables us to assist our memory in the moments we choose.

Speaking to a couple of different groups this week, a recurring theme arose. What we think is important. And what we think stems from what we put into our brain. The media (TV, music, internet, movies) as well as the people we spend our time with matter. Stimuli are being inputted into our brains, whether we are aware of it or not.

Retailers, casinos, even grocery stores understand this and play music and strategically place items for sale in various subtle, almost ‘unconscious’ ways. But there is a purpose behind it all: to sell us something. While it can be harmless, it can also cause issues for people who aren’t aware, leading to poor choices and subsequent habits. It may not be a big deal to grab an extra bag of chips prominently placed in front of us by the checkout. But it could be a big deal if we repeatedly did this, leading to poor eating habits.

Habits are choices, but our choices are increasingly influenced by many sources. So my suggestion for all of us is to be careful and aware of what we input into our brains. One day it could provide an inspirational soundtrack for your day like the uplifting song was for me the other morning. But if we aren’t cognizant of what we place in our brain, one day what we hear, smell, see, touch or taste may not be so appealing or inspiring.

What we put in is what we’ll get out. Remember to input, positive, useful and enjoyable and appreciate the more optimistic memories your brain will return to you!





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