Don’t Fear; Spring into Wellness!

It’s one of the scariest things about aging:  losing control of your memory.  Especially for those who thrive on being on top of things, dementia is their biggest fear.  This fear is fueling development of many new and interesting approaches to aging. It currently impacts everything from living options to smart phones apps.  While there is no one way to prevent dementia, there are things we can all do to strengthen our minds. This is the mission of MemoryMinders-to assist us all to achieve the best possible mind wellness and quality of life possible.

It is estimated we will learn much more about the brain and its influence in our daily lives in the next decades. The continued growth in research in this area is evidence of its importance to the world community. The baby boomer generation will no doubt lead the way in maintaining mind wellness as much as body wellness as they age. The bottom line is we all need to work at mind wellness just as much as body wellness for our futures.  Our minds direct our bodies.

The brain is not separate from the body. They work in tandem to benefit our overall well-being. Just as you cannot breathe without your brain instructing your body, you cannot fully be well if you don’t consider all elements of wellness. I truly believe in addition to mind and body wellness, there is a third element: the soul, our elemental essence of being.  This is the basis of our month long series starting next Monday:  the Spring into Wellness Challenge.  We’ll explore all elements of wellness and challenge each other along the way! Spring into Wellness 2

Whether you have felt something missing in your wellness or just need encouragement to reach your goal, I hope you’ll join me!  Each Monday I’ll continue to give you mind and memory wellness ideas, strategies and tips. However, if you sign up for the challenge, you’ll receive additional emails on Wednesdays on body wellness, Thursday on soul wellness and fun weekend tips on Saturday.

Won’t you join me as we explore all the elements of wellness? Sign up here for the Spring into Wellness Challenge . Let’s challenge each other to reach our ultimate goal: being the best we can be in mind, body and soul!

Linking up with #TellItToMeTuesday

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